
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ideas Please!

We are having a Cinco De Mayo day at school in May. The third grade calls is Market Day, well, we sell stuff for paper pesos and we get to keep the stuff we buy. I need ideas for what to sell! Please help me! I've tried drilling holes in shells for beads, but that didn't work. I need something that is unique and that all third graders would like. Any ideas?


  1. How about folding some Origami cups or butterflies. Your library probably has books with instructions on how to do Origami or when you come up here I could show you the ones I can do.

  2. I have some good ideas
    -bake a treet to sell
    -books that you don't need
    -book marks out of beads
    -pencils with pipe-cleaners wrapped around them


  3. Your Double chocolate dream cookies are my favorite and if I had pesos I'd spend them at your booth for a dozen of them! :) Also, I have to agree with Grandma.... origami sounds like a great idea!
